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iVoice Communication
Updated, 21st Century Communication Skills


Make your language more ‘muscular’
(from Harvard Business Review):

donna mac

Update your communication skills for the 21st century.

All 30-minute sessions
must be conducted within the next 30 days.

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“We’re a company dedicated to creating healthy human
connections through effective communication.”


Anyone can default to seeing who people 'aren't'.
Let's update our old, antiquated conditioning and

begin to see ‘all that we are’.

iVoice.Balance Creating Top Down Bottom

Do you lean affiliative or authoritative?
Affiliative: Natural relationship builders (Skills: Empathy, listening, compassion, etc…).
Authoritative: Ability to mobilize people towards a vision to drive goals. (Skills: Articulating what you want/need/value).


Strengthen Leadership Communication
6-Week Program

What's your greatest communication challenge?
We welcome the opportunity to help.

Thank you for connecting with iVoice Communication.

Leadership communication skills for the 21st century.